If you’ve been faced with the decision to reschedule or cancel your 2020 wedding, you’re not alone. If only this whole situation was a huge April Fool’s Day prank! We know it doesn’t make it any easier, but we have spoken with countless couples who have either proactively made the decision to reschedule their weddings or have been required to do so.
First of all, you’re completely justified in feeling the myriad of emotions you’re likely feeling. Sad, angry, frustrated and probably many others. It’s not selfish; essentially, you need to grieve the loss of a very important piece of your life. BUT, then, you need to shake it off because it’s just temporary. Try to remind yourself that you WILL get your day...eventually.
According to Matthew Trettel, president of The Wedding Guys, "It’s been a hard choice for couples to decide, but just like weddings, our couples are determining what is right for them." He added, "Many couples are choosing to move forward with small gatherings, while others have chosen to postpone their weddings." Needless to say, you could also just head to the courthouse with some witnesses and get it done.
If you're among the majority and refuse to give up on a more traditional affair, the best thing you can do is to be flexible, patient, stay positive and keep planning. Read on for tips on how to heed this advice.